Five things that made me happy today – 6/12/24

Gratitude is the capacity to stare doubt, loss, chaos and despair right in the eye and say, ‘I am still here.’ 

Diana Butler Bass

1. Temps in the upper 40s, with streaky clouds in the distance when I got up. The sun was out by the time I got home from my first appointment. High temp this afternoon was 68 deg.

2. I scurried out after swallowing my grapefruit and a couple of pieces of toast and jelly and made it to my dermatology appointment on time, even though it was in a new building. The dermatologist did a full body scan and pronounced me fine. She did freeze one little place on my forehead, but that’s okay with me. She also recommended I put an anti fungal on the rash on my foot that the podiatrist is uninterested in.

3. Lunch was the dark meat from the little roast chicken that I bought on Sunday to fill out my Safeway order. I also ate several cherry tomatoes and called it dinner.

4. I went to the Wellness Center and rode the NuStep for 45 minutes, followed by a session with my personal trainer. I’m going to be gone Friday and Monday next week, and he will be on vacation the rest of the week, so I won’t see him again until Monday, June 24. I hope I haven’t lost all the progress I’ve made on my balance since I got back from my train trip.

5. I think we’re ready to start to pack for our trip to Central Washington to see Watters Minor and family. I’m getting excited!

How about you? What made you happy today?