Five things that made me happy today – 6/1/24

Courage is what love looks like when tested by the simple everyday necessities of being alive. 

David Whyte

1. It was warmer – lower 50s – when I got up, with wet streets and cloudy skies. It’s been cloudy and even a little bit warm all day with a flood watch in effect until Wednesday. High temperature in the mid 60s.

2. I’m acknowledging pride month in honor of my two trans grandkids, and my lesbian granddaughter. You can mess with me, and you can mess with my kids, but if you mess with the grandkids, watch out for Mama Bear!

3. I went over to the Wellness Center and used the NuStep. There were a couple of folks over there practicing some music – a violinist and a fellow playing a recorder. Nice background noise for me as I peddled.

4. I had a healthy peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. It’s been quite a while since I had one of those.

5. I’m craving a mocha and a blueberry scone. I know I have Starbucks points available…

How about you? What made you happy today?