Five things that made me happy today – 6/14/24

When I wake, and you are already wiping the stars away, I rise quickly, hoping to be like your wild child the rose, the honey-maker, the honey-vine; a bird shouting its joy as it floats through the gift you have given us: another day. 

Mary Oliver

1. It was 50 deg and sunny when I woke up in Tacoma. It MAY be warmer on the other side of the mountains – we shall see. Warmer it is and was. High 77 deg.

2. Out early. Breakfast at McDonald’s. Bacon, egg and cheese biscuit for me and two burritos for Al.

3. Over the mountains. Traffic not so bad after we finally got on I-90. Nice trip scenery and not many work zones.

4. My daughter-in-law is a full graduate with an AAS, en route to a career as a surgical technologist. Woo-hoo!!!

5. Dinner tonight with #2 son and family and Big Al at Fiction at J. Bookwalter (winery). Charcuterie board, and Duck a l’Orange with a lovely Syrah.

How about you? What made you happy today?