Five things that made me happy today – 4/3/24

We are all born happy. Life gets us dirty along the way, but we can clean it up.

Isabel Allende

1. It was in the mid 40s and clear in Texarkana when I got up. The temperature got up to 68 deg this afternoon, but the wind was blowing and it felt cooler.

2. Betty decided she wanted an Egg McMuffin for breakfast, so I ordered a Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit. After breakfast we took a ride, and went over to the mall where we walked around a little for exercise. Then we drove around the new construction that has happened since I moved away.

3. We came home for lunch and folded and hung up the clothes that washed and dried this morning. We had tuna salad with crackers, pickles, carrots and red sweet peppers for crunch.

4. We got a cribbage board and played several games. She hasn’t played in years, but it came back quickly. Of course, I’m a shark from playing with Al every day at breakfast and lunch. She doesn’t have anybody here who plays.

5. My new rollator walker came today and we got it put together. I’ve resisted using a walker, but after sitting 3 days on the train and having my hip and thigh stiffen up, I put vanity aside and got one. I’ll be much happier and more confident traveling.”

BONUS: Today is Wednesday so we’re going to Church Night Supper.

How about you? What made you happy today?