Five things that made me happy today – 4/26/24

The buffer between hope and despair is gratefulness.

Joe Primo

1. It was in the upper 40s and cloudy with wet streets when I got up this morning. There were scattered clouds all afternoon and the temperature got up to 60 deg.

2. Al went to the Poetry Workshop over in Bristol View. I drove him there because there’s never anywhere to park. I picked him up a little early because (see #3).

3. While Al was busy improving his mind, I was busy improving (hopefully) my body at the Wellness Center. After I picked him up, I was able to have my first appointment with my personal trainer since I got back. I need to have him pushing me. I’m going to give up some of my time to Al, so he can continue the good work they were doing while I was gone.

4. Lunch was chicken, Brussels sprouts, and rice. Very mundane, but healthy and filling.

5. After lunch I sat out on the back porch and listened to the birds. I even heard and saw the spotted Towhee on the fence. He was far from the only bird my app heard – Robins, a Red-Breasted Nuthatch, Stellar’s Jay, Pine Siskin, Song Sparrow, Bewick’s Wren, American Goldfinch, a Cedar Waxwing, Northern Flicker, American Crow, Common Raven, Canada Goose, and a Rock Pigeon in addition to House Sparrows, and White-Throated Sparrows.

How about you? What made you happy today?