Five things that made me happy today – 4/11/24

May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks.

J.R.R. Tolkein

1. It was in the low 50s and fair when I got up. The sun shone again today, all day. The high temperature this afternoon was 74 deg.

2. My happy day (🤪) began with an email from Amtrak saying that the station in Texarkana was closed and I would have to travel to either Marshal, Texas, or Hope, Arkansas, to catch the train. I called Amtrak, and the agent said the station was damaged. Betty and I rode down there and looked, and it looked fine. We could see where it was probably flooded in the rain but the water had all receded by today. I think they probably sent out the message before the storm quit. The website still says the train is on its same schedule for Saturday. I’ll check again tomorrow. If necessary, my niece and sister will take me to Hope.

3. After breakfast and our trip to town, we sat out on the back deck and watched the birds. It was cool, but not cold even though the wind was a little chilly. When a large stick blew off the roof and into Betty’s lap, we came inside and played Cribbage until time for lunch.

4. I finished off the Onion Soup from Tuesday and Betty had a ham sandwich for lunch. Then we played a couple of more games of Cribbage.

5. My brother and sister-in-law drove over from Dallas to see me. We’re going out to dinner with them at a barbecue place. That will complete my food desires for my time in Texarkana – fried catfish, good Mexican food (On The Border) and local TexMex, barbecue, and collards, cornfield peas, and cornbread with purple onions.

How about you? What made you happy today?